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:heavy_check_mark: test/yosupo/dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM \
#include <iostream>

#include "../../bbst/avl_array.hpp"

#define _overload(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name
#define _rep1(Itr, N) _rep3(Itr, 0, N, 1)
#define _rep2(Itr, a, b) _rep3(Itr, a, b, 1)
#define _rep3(Itr, a, b, step) for (i64 Itr = a; Itr < b; Itr += step)
#define repeat(...) _overload(__VA_ARGS__, _rep3, _rep2, _rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)
#define rep(...) repeat(__VA_ARGS__)

#define ALL(X) begin(X), end(X)

using namespace std;
using i64 = long long;
using u64 = unsigned long long;

constexpr i64 mod = 998244353;
struct A {
    struct M {
        using T = pair<int, int>;
        using value_type = T;
        static T identity() {
            return {0, 0};
        static T operation(T lhs, T rhs) {
            return {(lhs.first + rhs.first) % mod, lhs.second + rhs.second};
    struct O {
        using T = pair<int, int>;
        using value_type = T;
        static T identity() {
            return {1, 0};
        static T operation(T lhs, T rhs) {
            return {((i64)lhs.first * rhs.first) % mod,
                    ((i64)lhs.second * rhs.first + rhs.second) % mod};

    using value_structure = M;
    using operator_structure = O;
    static M::T operation(M::T v, O::T o) {
        return {((i64)v.first * o.first + (i64)v.second * o.second) % mod,

int main() {
    AVLArray<A> arr;

    int n, q;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &q);
    rep(i, n) {
        int a;
        scanf("%d", &a);
        arr.insert_at(i, {a, 1});

    int com, i, l, r, a, b, c;
    rep(_, q) {
        scanf("%d", &com);

        switch (com) {
            case 0: {
                scanf("%d %d", &i, &a);
                arr.insert_at(i, {a, 1});
            case 1: {
                scanf("%d", &i);
            case 2: {
                scanf("%d %d", &l, &r);
                arr.reverse(l, r);
            case 3: {
                scanf("%d %d %d %d", &l, &r, &b, &c);
                arr.update(l, r, {b, c});
            case 4: {
                scanf("%d %d", &l, &r);
                printf("%d\n", arr.fold(l, r).first);

    return 0;
#line 1 "test/yosupo/dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM \
#include <iostream>

#line 1 "bbst/avl_array.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

template <class MonoidwithOperator>
struct AVLArray {
    using A = MonoidwithOperator;
    using M = typename A::value_structure;
    using T = typename M::value_type;
    using O = typename A::operator_structure;
    using E = typename O::value_type;

    struct Node {
        T val;
        T sum;
        E op;
        T rev_sum;
        bool rev_flag;
        int hi;
        int sz;
        Node *ch[2];

        Node(const T &val = M::identity(), const E &op = O::identity())
            : val(val),
              ch{nullptr, nullptr} {};

    Node *root;

    explicit AVLArray(Node *root = nullptr) : root(root){};
    AVLArray(const AVLArray &x) : root(x.root){};

    AVLArray &operator=(const AVLArray &x) {
        root = x.root;
        return *this;

    static int height(const Node *u) {
        if (u == nullptr)
            return 0;
            return u->hi;

    static int balance_factor(const Node *u) {
        return height(u->ch[0]) - height(u->ch[1]);

    int size() {
        return size(root);

    static int size(const Node *u) {
        if (u == nullptr)
            return 0;
            return u->sz;

    static T sum(const Node *u) {
        if (u == nullptr) {
            return M::identity();
        } else if (u->rev_flag) {
            return A::operation(u->rev_sum, u->op);
        } else {
            return A::operation(u->sum, u->op);

    static T rev_sum(const Node *u) {
        if (u == nullptr) {
            return M::identity();
        } else if (u->rev_flag) {
            return A::operation(u->sum, u->op);
        } else {
            return A::operation(u->rev_sum, u->op);

    static Node *push_down(Node *u) {
        return u;

    static void eval_rev(Node *u) {
        if (u->rev_flag) {
            std::swap(u->ch[0], u->ch[1]);
            std::swap(u->sum, u->rev_sum);
            u->rev_flag = false;
            if (u->ch[0]) u->ch[0]->rev_flag ^= 1;
            if (u->ch[1]) u->ch[1]->rev_flag ^= 1;

    static void eval_lazy(Node *u) {
        u->val = A::operation(u->val, u->op);
        u->sum = A::operation(u->sum, u->op);
        u->rev_sum = A::operation(u->rev_sum, u->op);
        if (u->ch[0]) u->ch[0]->op = O::operation(u->ch[0]->op, u->op);
        if (u->ch[1]) u->ch[1]->op = O::operation(u->ch[1]->op, u->op);
        u->op = O::identity();

    static Node *calc_sum(Node *u) {
        u->sum =
            M::operation(M::operation(sum(u->ch[0]), u->val), sum(u->ch[1]));
        u->rev_sum = M::operation(M::operation(rev_sum(u->ch[1]), u->val),
        return u;

    static Node *recalc(Node *u) {
        // assert(u->op == O::identity());
        u->sz = size(u->ch[0]) + size(u->ch[1]) + 1;
        u->hi = std::max(height(u->ch[0]), height(u->ch[1])) + 1;
        return calc_sum(u);

    template <int d>
    static Node *rotate(Node *u) {
        assert(u != nullptr && u->ch[d] != nullptr);
        Node *v = push_down(u->ch[d]);
        u->ch[d] = v->ch[d ^ 1];
        v->ch[d ^ 1] = u;
        return v;

    static Node *balance(Node *u) {
        if (u == nullptr) return nullptr;
        if (balance_factor(u) == 2) {
            if (balance_factor(push_down(u->ch[0])) == -1)
                u->ch[0] = rotate<1>(u->ch[0]);
            u = rotate<0>(u);
        } else if (balance_factor(u) == -2) {
            if (balance_factor(push_down(u->ch[1])) == 1)
                u->ch[1] = rotate<0>(u->ch[1]);
            u = rotate<1>(u);
        return u;

    static std::pair<Node *, Node *> split_rightest_node(Node *u) {
        if (u->ch[1] != nullptr) {
            auto [l, ret] = split_rightest_node(u->ch[1]);
            u->ch[1] = l;
            return {balance(recalc(u)), ret};
        } else {
            Node *ret = u->ch[0];
            return {ret, u};

    AVLArray &append(AVLArray &r) {
        root = merge(root, r.root);
        r.root = nullptr;
        return *this;

    static Node *merge(Node *l, Node *r) {
        if (l == nullptr) {
            return r;
        } else {
            auto [left, mid] = split_rightest_node(l);
            return merge(mid, left, r);

    static Node *merge(Node *mid, Node *l, Node *r) {
        if (abs(height(l) - height(r)) <= 1) {
            mid->ch[0] = l;
            mid->ch[1] = r;
            return recalc(mid);
        } else if (height(l) > height(r)) {
            l->ch[1] = merge(mid, l->ch[1], r);
            return balance(recalc(l));
        } else {
            r->ch[0] = merge(mid, l, r->ch[0]);
            return balance(recalc(r));

    // first: [0, k), second: [k, n)
    std::pair<AVLArray, AVLArray> split_at(int k) {
        assert(0 <= k && k <= size());
        auto [l, r] = split(root, k);
        root = nullptr;
        return {AVLArray(l), AVLArray(r)};

    static std::pair<Node *, Node *> split(Node *u, int k) {
        if (u == nullptr) return {nullptr, nullptr};
        Node *l = u->ch[0];
        Node *r = u->ch[1];
        u->ch[0] = u->ch[1] = nullptr;

        int lsize = size(l);
        if (lsize == k) {
            return {l, merge(u, nullptr, r)};
        } else if (k < lsize) {
            auto [x, y] = split(l, k);
            return {x, merge(u, y, r)};
        } else {
            auto [x, y] = split(r, k - lsize - 1);
            return {merge(u, l, x), y};

    // sum [l, r)
    T fold(int l, int r) {
        if (r <= l) return M::identity();
        auto [tmp, right] = split(root, r);
        auto [left, mid] = split(tmp, l);
        T ret = sum(mid);
        root = merge(merge(left, mid), right);
        return ret;

    T fold_rev(int l, int r) {
        if (r <= l) return M::identity();
        reverse(l, r);
        T ret = fold(l, r);
        reverse(l, r);
        return ret;

    AVLArray &reverse(int l, int r) {
        if (r <= l) return *this;
        auto [tmp, right] = split(root, r);
        auto [left, mid] = split(tmp, l);
        mid->rev_flag ^= 1;
        root = merge(merge(left, mid), right);
        return *this;

    AVLArray &insert_at(int k, const T &dat) {
        assert(0 <= k && k <= size());
        Node *nv = new Node(dat);
        auto [l, r] = split(root, k);
        root = merge(nv, l, r);
        return *this;

    AVLArray &set(int k, const T &dat) {
        return update(k, dat);

    AVLArray &update(int k, const T &dat) {
        assert(0 <= k && k < size());
        auto [tmp, r] = split(root, k + 1);
        auto [l, mid] = split_rightest_node(tmp);
        mid->val = dat;
        root = merge(mid, l, r);
        return *this;

    AVLArray &update(int l, int r, const E &op) {
        if (r <= l) return *this;
        auto [tmp, right] = split(root, r);
        auto [left, mid] = split(tmp, l);
        mid->op = O::operation(mid->op, op);
        root = merge(merge(left, mid), right);
        return *this;

    AVLArray &erase_at(int k) {
        assert(0 <= k && k < size());
        auto [tmp, r] = split(root, k + 1);
        auto [l, mid] = split_rightest_node(tmp);
        delete mid;
        root = merge(l, r);
        return *this;

    AVLArray &rotate(int l, int mid, int r) {
        auto [tmp1, right] = split(root, r);
        auto [tmp2, m2] = split(tmp1, mid);
        auto [left, m1] = split(tmp2, l);
        root = merge(left, merge(m2, merge(m1, right)));
        return *this;

    std::vector<T> list() {
        std::vector<T> ret;
        auto dfs = [&](auto &&f, Node *u) {
            f(f, u->ch[0]);
            f(f, u->ch[1]);
        dfs(dfs, root);
        return ret;

    const T operator[](int k) {
        return at(root, k);

    const T at(Node *u, int k) {
        assert(0 <= k && k < size(u));
        if (size(u->ch[0]) == k)
            return u->val;
        else if (k < size(u->ch[0]))
            return at(u->ch[0], k);
            return at(u->ch[1], k - size(u->ch[0]) - 1);

#line 6 "test/yosupo/dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp"

#define _overload(_1, _2, _3, _4, name, ...) name
#define _rep1(Itr, N) _rep3(Itr, 0, N, 1)
#define _rep2(Itr, a, b) _rep3(Itr, a, b, 1)
#define _rep3(Itr, a, b, step) for (i64 Itr = a; Itr < b; Itr += step)
#define repeat(...) _overload(__VA_ARGS__, _rep3, _rep2, _rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)
#define rep(...) repeat(__VA_ARGS__)

#define ALL(X) begin(X), end(X)

using namespace std;
using i64 = long long;
using u64 = unsigned long long;

constexpr i64 mod = 998244353;
struct A {
    struct M {
        using T = pair<int, int>;
        using value_type = T;
        static T identity() {
            return {0, 0};
        static T operation(T lhs, T rhs) {
            return {(lhs.first + rhs.first) % mod, lhs.second + rhs.second};
    struct O {
        using T = pair<int, int>;
        using value_type = T;
        static T identity() {
            return {1, 0};
        static T operation(T lhs, T rhs) {
            return {((i64)lhs.first * rhs.first) % mod,
                    ((i64)lhs.second * rhs.first + rhs.second) % mod};

    using value_structure = M;
    using operator_structure = O;
    static M::T operation(M::T v, O::T o) {
        return {((i64)v.first * o.first + (i64)v.second * o.second) % mod,

int main() {
    AVLArray<A> arr;

    int n, q;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &q);
    rep(i, n) {
        int a;
        scanf("%d", &a);
        arr.insert_at(i, {a, 1});

    int com, i, l, r, a, b, c;
    rep(_, q) {
        scanf("%d", &com);

        switch (com) {
            case 0: {
                scanf("%d %d", &i, &a);
                arr.insert_at(i, {a, 1});
            case 1: {
                scanf("%d", &i);
            case 2: {
                scanf("%d %d", &l, &r);
                arr.reverse(l, r);
            case 3: {
                scanf("%d %d %d %d", &l, &r, &b, &c);
                arr.update(l, r, {b, c});
            case 4: {
                scanf("%d %d", &l, &r);
                printf("%d\n", arr.fold(l, r).first);

    return 0;
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