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:heavy_check_mark: test/yosupo/range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/range_affine_range_sum"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

#include "../../segment_tree/lazy_segment_tree.hpp"
using llong = long long;
using namespace std;

struct A {
    struct M {
        using value_type = pair<llong, llong>;
        inline static value_type identity() {
            return {0, 0};
        inline static value_type operation(value_type a, value_type b) {
            return {(a.first + b.first) % 998244353, a.second + b.second};
    struct O {
        using value_type = pair<llong, llong>;
        inline static value_type identity() {
            return {1ll, 0ll};
        inline static value_type operation(value_type x, value_type y) {
            auto ret = identity();
            ret.first = (x.first * y.first) % 998244353;
            ret.second = (y.first * x.second + y.second) % 998244353;
            return ret;
    using value_structure = M;
    using operator_structure = O;
    inline static M::value_type operation(M::value_type a, O::value_type b) {
        return {(b.first * a.first + b.second * a.second) % 998244353,

llong n, q;
llong a;
llong com, s, t, b, c;
int main() {

    cin >> n >> q;
    LazySegmentTree<A> seg(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cin >> a;
        seg.set(i, {a, 1});

    while (q--) {
        cin >> com;

        if (com == 0) {
            cin >> s >> t >> b >> c;
            seg.update(s, t, {b, c});
        } else {
            cin >> s >> t;
            cout << seg.fold(s, t).first << '\n';
#line 1 "test/yosupo/range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/range_affine_range_sum"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

#line 1 "segment_tree/lazy_segment_tree.hpp"

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

#line 1 "bit/ctz.hpp"

#line 5 "bit/ctz.hpp"

inline int ctz32_(uint32_t bit) {
    static const int table[] = {
        0,  1, 2,  6,  3,  11, 7,  16, 4,  14, 12, 21, 8,  23, 17, 26,
        31, 5, 10, 15, 13, 20, 22, 25, 30, 9,  19, 24, 29, 18, 28, 27,
    static const uint32_t de_bruijn = 0x04653adf;
    bit &= ~bit + 1;
    return table[(bit * de_bruijn) >> 27];
inline int ctz32(uint32_t bit) {
    if (bit == 0) return 32;
#ifdef __has_builtin
    return __builtin_ctz(bit);
    return ctz32_(bit);

inline int ctz64_(uint64_t bit) {
    static const int table[] = {
        0,  1,  2,  7,  3,  13, 8,  19, 4,  25, 14, 28, 9,  34, 20, 40,
        5,  17, 26, 38, 15, 46, 29, 48, 10, 31, 35, 54, 21, 50, 41, 57,
        63, 6,  12, 18, 24, 27, 33, 39, 16, 37, 45, 47, 30, 53, 49, 56,
        62, 11, 23, 32, 36, 44, 52, 55, 61, 22, 43, 51, 60, 42, 59, 58,
    static const uint64_t de_bruijn = 0x0218a392cd3d5dbfull;
    bit &= ~bit + 1;
    return table[(bit * de_bruijn) >> 58];
inline int ctz64(uint64_t bit) {
    if (bit == 0) return 64;
#ifdef __has_builtin
    return __builtin_ctzll(bit);
    return ctz64_(bit);

#line 1 "bit/msb.hpp"

#line 5 "bit/msb.hpp"

inline uint32_t msb32_(uint32_t bit) {
    bit |= bit >> 1;
    bit |= bit >> 2;
    bit |= bit >> 4;
    bit |= bit >> 8;
    bit |= bit >> 16;
    return bit ^ (bit >> 1);
inline uint32_t msb32(uint32_t x) {
    if (x == 0) return 0;
#ifdef __has_builtin
    return 1u << (31 - __builtin_clz(x));
    return msb32_(x);

inline uint64_t msb64_(uint64_t bit) {
    bit |= bit >> 1;
    bit |= bit >> 2;
    bit |= bit >> 4;
    bit |= bit >> 8;
    bit |= bit >> 16;
    bit |= bit >> 32;
    return bit ^ (bit >> 1);
inline uint64_t msb64(uint64_t x) {
    if (x == 0) return 0;
#ifdef __has_builtin
    return 1ull << (63 - __builtin_clzll(x));
    return msb64_(x);

#line 9 "segment_tree/lazy_segment_tree.hpp"

template <class MonoidwithOperator>
struct LazySegmentTree {
    using M = MonoidwithOperator;
    using V = typename M::value_structure;
    using T = typename V::value_type;
    using O = typename M::operator_structure;
    using E = typename O::value_type;

    // T + T      V::operation
    // E + E      O::operation
    // T + E -> T M::operation

    struct Node {
        T dat;
        E lazy;
        Node(T dat, E lazy) : dat(dat), lazy(lazy){};

    std::vector<Node> tree;

    LazySegmentTree() = default;
    explicit LazySegmentTree(uint32_t n)
        : tree(n * 2 + 2, Node(V::identity(), O::identity())){};

    int size() {
        return tree.size() >> 1;

    void propagation(uint32_t k) {
        const uint32_t l = (k << 1) | 0;
        const uint32_t r = (k << 1) | 1;

        tree[l].lazy = O::operation(tree[l].lazy, tree[k].lazy);
        tree[r].lazy = O::operation(tree[r].lazy, tree[k].lazy);

        tree[l].dat = M::operation(tree[l].dat, tree[k].lazy);
        tree[r].dat = M::operation(tree[r].dat, tree[k].lazy);

        tree[k].lazy = O::identity();

    void push_down(uint32_t k) {
        if (k == 0) return;
        uint32_t w = ctz32(msb32(k));
        for (int i = w; i > 0; i--) propagation(k >> i);

    void recalc(uint32_t k) {
        while (k > 1) {
            k >>= 1;
            tree[k].dat =
                V::operation(tree[(k << 1) | 0].dat, tree[(k << 1) | 1].dat);

    // [l, r) += op
    void update(uint32_t l, uint32_t r, E op) {
        l += size();
        r += size();
        uint32_t tmpl = l;
        uint32_t tmpr = r;

        push_down(r - 1);

        while (l < r) {
            if (l & 1) {
                tree[l].lazy = O::operation(tree[l].lazy, op);
                tree[l].dat = M::operation(tree[l].dat, op);

            if (r & 1) {
                tree[r].lazy = O::operation(tree[r].lazy, op);
                tree[r].dat = M::operation(tree[r].dat, op);

            l >>= 1;
            r >>= 1;

        push_down(tmpr - 1);

        recalc(tmpr - 1);

    void update(uint32_t idx, T x) {
        idx += size();
        tree[idx].dat = x;

    void set(uint32_t idx, T x) {
        update(idx, x);

    // foldl[l, r)
    T fold(uint32_t l, uint32_t r) {
        l += size();
        r += size();
        push_down(r - 1);

        T lv = V::identity();
        T rv = V::identity();

        while (l < r) {
            if (l & 1) lv = V::operation(lv, tree[l].dat), l++;
            if (r & 1) --r, rv = V::operation(tree[r].dat, rv);

            l >>= 1;
            r >>= 1;

        return V::operation(lv, rv);

    T operator[](const uint32_t &k) {
        push_down(k + size());
        return tree[k + size()].dat;

#line 6 "test/yosupo/range_affine_range_sum.test.cpp"
using llong = long long;
using namespace std;

struct A {
    struct M {
        using value_type = pair<llong, llong>;
        inline static value_type identity() {
            return {0, 0};
        inline static value_type operation(value_type a, value_type b) {
            return {(a.first + b.first) % 998244353, a.second + b.second};
    struct O {
        using value_type = pair<llong, llong>;
        inline static value_type identity() {
            return {1ll, 0ll};
        inline static value_type operation(value_type x, value_type y) {
            auto ret = identity();
            ret.first = (x.first * y.first) % 998244353;
            ret.second = (y.first * x.second + y.second) % 998244353;
            return ret;
    using value_structure = M;
    using operator_structure = O;
    inline static M::value_type operation(M::value_type a, O::value_type b) {
        return {(b.first * a.first + b.second * a.second) % 998244353,

llong n, q;
llong a;
llong com, s, t, b, c;
int main() {

    cin >> n >> q;
    LazySegmentTree<A> seg(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cin >> a;
        seg.set(i, {a, 1});

    while (q--) {
        cin >> com;

        if (com == 0) {
            cin >> s >> t >> b >> c;
            seg.update(s, t, {b, c});
        } else {
            cin >> s >> t;
            cout << seg.fold(s, t).first << '\n';
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